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cold process soap troubleshooting

Solution: There are a few suggested workarounds to try. But, giving soap a full 4 to 6 weeks cure time, at minimum, is important. Soap has small visible white spots all throughout. You could try rebatching it & see if that helps! The soap couldve cracked because of the high amount of tallow and lower superfat. Got to trace within a few minutes and applesauce stage not long after. Thank you so much for reverting. If its developing a crack down the middle, its getting too warm and should be uncovered. If using palm oil, its recommended to completely melt and stir the oil every time you use it or you might have an uneven balance of fatty acids, leading to more spots in some batches. We recommend testing FOs and EOs with small batches of cold process soaps to know which works for you and which doesn't. You can also try adding FO or EO into your oils first before combining with lye solution and then, stir by hand as that is more controllable. My recipe is: 5% super fat Reason: This sometimes happens when the soap overheats. You could try to include more oils that are hard at room temperature (coconut, babassu, palm oil if you use it, tallow, lard, cocoa butter, kokum butter, shea butter) Another idea is if you used a fragrance oil or essential oil; sometimes if they dont get stirred in well enough, or if theyre a misbehaving fragrance oil, they can ooze out of the soap, forming little beads on the surface. Colorado. In soapmaking, 1 molecule of oil (fat) reacts with 3 molecules of lye which turns into 3 molecules soap + 1 molecule glycerin. ), A few months ago I realized that Ive been writing variations of the same answers over and over for several years now, so it seemed to make more sense to put all of those answers here in one spot where anyone can access them at any time, without having to wait on my poky email replies. This is a super book, simple, East and the photos are very helpful and beautiful. Set it on some parchment or wax paper to cure for a week or so and that's it. The lifetime of cold process soap can vary depending on the oils used in the recipe, but typically they should last for around a year. Try dipping in water, as instructed by this. (Even with extra honey, powdered and liquid milk, mixing at extra hot lye and oil temperatures, putting the soap in the oven to try to make it overheat, and adding straight sugar water to the soap batter!) After trace? Can you share your thoughts on this? 9. Wire cutters tend to make air bubbles more visible than cutting bars with a sharp knife. Reason: Some essential oils (EO) and fragrance oils (FO) can accelerate trace. Hi, first soap, I have your book, Simple and Natural Soapmaking, and used the palm free soap #1 Tallow lard version yesterday. :). How old is your soap & what are some of the additives? Should I super fat more ? Followed by rice flake kind solution. Cold process soap. Here are some of the common reasons why cold process soaps leak oil: Incorrect measurements. Hi Hallie! As a bonus, beeswax also reduces the chance of soda ash! I used an immersion blender. 10. and I still learned lots of new things. If the soap has been in the mold several hours and then starts separating, scoop it into a crockpot and cook on low heat for around 1 hour (hot process), then spoon into a soap mold. Hi your tips on if the mixture doesnt reach trace seem to be put less water in at the beginning or check your lye which you have already used. As a soap batch is being mixed, it's usually the consistency of cake batter. You dont want to count the weight of the jug into your recipe I think that is where things went wrong for you. Solution: Take extra care if using bay laurel, citronella, clove, cinnamon, fir, palmarosa, pepper, and ylang ylang essential oils. You can incorporate the color change into your soap by adding some swirls with a bit of unfragranced soap base to give a colored or white contrast or you can use some . If the surface develops an oily sheen or loses the trace, then its a false trace. Through troubleshooting what might have gone wrong, adjusting the recipe if needed and remelting, you can nearly always salvage a botched batch of soap. What can I do to prevent my soap from heaving in the middle of the mold? Soap batter thickened up too quickly to make a swirl or design. Try placing the mold on a baking rack so cool air can circulate underneath.,,,,,, Jo Haslauer has an excellent series of 4 articles on natural colorantsthat every soapmaker should read for information on infusions and theres also a unit on natural soap colorants in my Soapmaking Success Video Course. Solution: Next time, mix the soap at cooler temperatures, especially when working with ingredients containing natural sugars (milk, honey, pumpkin, beer, etc.). Or a good smell each, just different from each other? Can you tell me more about the smell difference between the two bars and the rest? Because this is a massively long post (8,800+ words! You just cooked it all out! When soaping at hotter temperatures, you run the risk of accelerating trace, creating a heat tunnel or causing a soap volcano. Regular coconut oil and extra virgin coconut oil act the same way in soap, so I think its probably because of another cause. It keeps the air off of the soap and I can still peek through and see how its doing. First batch ever. *For CPOP, place in preheated oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 to 60 minutes. (Possibly hours.). Solution:Temperature is subjective and flexible, but if youre a newer soapmaker, aim for oil and lye temperatures around 95 to 110 F (35 to 43 C). Kevin Dunn, a soapy scientist and author of Scientific Soapmaking: The Chemistry of the Cold Process, recommends using Rosemary Oleoresin Extract at 0.1% of the oil weight. Yes, I can buy it, however, the woman used bitcoin and I dont do that. Heres a great article that tells how! It sounds silly, but it does happen sometimes! Do you see any cracks in the top? Solution: Just wait and let the soap go through this natural stage. Hi Michelle, Thanks for the kind words & so happy you enjoyed the article! Can I use Theraputic essential oils in soap making? Adellyn, Hi Adellyn! If you are using single cavity molds, you can try freezing them to harden and hopefully the soap will pop out easier. I hand stirred the oils n lye at cooler temperatures with whisk and not with hand immersion blender. Its pretty hard and normal, but when I put it in the water, it oozes a slimy, kinda sticky gel thats so hard to wash off. 11.55 oz olive oil If you pour your lye solution into the oils, then notice the crust in the bottom of the container, you could try adding a small amount of warm water to the container in an effort to dissolve the crust and then add that to the oils as well. Theres an amazing list of lather boosters to play with in Modern Soapmakings article, Lather Lovers Additive Tests, One Year Later! Stearic spots are more cosmetic than anything & usually the soap is fine to use. If the center remains too hot for too long it will discolor and form a ring. Hi.i make soap with 3% superfat and 33% lye concentrate. Reason: Soap has extremely overheated. Solution: After removing soap from the fridge or freezer, allow it to come to room temperature and stay undisturbed for another 24 to 48 hours. HELP??????? Even then, clear plastic molds arent always reliable. Pour the soap mixture into the molds. It may take longer for certain soaps made of different oils or with different ingredients. Do not use recipes that measure by volume (cups, tablespoons, etc). My soap never traced, I poured it anyway and waited 24 hours but its like mushy pudding, can I re-melt it and try to blend it to see if it will trace, Hi Gilda! We provide a 12-week soap-making class in one easy-to-read format, not . Lovely article very well written. Q: I made a batch of lotion using beeswax, but the oil and water separates. There, youll find reasons for why the soapmaking problem happened and solutions to fix it and/or prevent it in the future. Some dont do well when combined with raw soap and will bind with bits of hard fats in the recipe causing those solid lumps. Solution: Before adding to soap, mix thoroughly with vegetable glycerin, oil, or water, depending on vendors instructions and your recipe directions. Also, water amount (water discount) can affect gel phase a soap with a lower water amount requires a higher temperature to reach gel phase, while a soap with a full amount of water will more easily gel. Soaps gels from the center outward. Reason: You didnt stir the lye until it completely dissolved. (Try 115 to 120F , which is 46 to 49C.) Really appreciate some feedback. Ive been soaping for 3 yrs. If the lye solution is a strong dark brown though, then you can likely expect some type of tan or brownish color in the final soap. (Dont throw it out, just be aware that it may need a long time to firm up, if it ever does, and will be extra superfatted/oil-heavy. This means it started getting hot and going through gel phase, but cooled down too quickly before it could reach the edges. This allows the soap to harden and any excess water to evaporate. Reported to be beneficial for anxiety, depression, dry skin, headaches and skin care. Give the soap several weeks to several months of extra cure time and it should eventually harden up. Reason: Some oils are known to slow down trace, which means it takes more stirring and time for them to form a trace. Solution: For more information on natural colorants, Jo Haslauer has a highly recommendedseries of 4 articles filled with loads of information. Did the lye have any lumps or clumps in it? 2. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar per pound of oils to your soap recipe. This last batch, I heated the oils to 200F, mixed the lye and let it cool down to 200 and mixed the lye with the oils while still hot. Solution: You can either increase the amount of hard oils in your recipe (lard, tallow, palm, cocoa butter, kokum butter, coconut oil, babassu oil, etc) or you can keep the amount of olive and other soft oils high (so the bar is extra conditioning), just be sure to give the soaps a sufficient amount of cure time too. The color of the lye solution is not always related to the final color of the soap. I have your book, 101 Easy Homemade Products. Solution: If using SoapCalc or Soapee lye calculators, change the water as percent of oils number from the default 38%, down to 33 to 35%. The "Miller's Homemade Soap Information" page received mention at the end of an article in USA Today that ran from July 9-12, 1999. Then let those bars cure another month or tow with lots of air flow around them. (Most of my recipes work out to requiring 1 grams per batch.). Solution: Be sure to stir the lye into the lye solution until its completely dissolved. or citrus tend to be the most likely to turn your soap darker and this can happen in melt and pour soaps or cold process soaps. First, double check that you didnt forget to add the lye when making soap. Is there any way to save my lotion? Solution: Make sure the soap is completely blended to a light trace. Reason: These are called DOS, or Dreaded Orange Spots, which indicate that oils in your soap are going rancid. (I have a tutorial coming to the site soon!) For fragrance oils, be sure to read through product descriptions and reviews to see what other soapers have to say about them. If an essential oil causes ricing check the brand that youre using since its likely cut with synthetics. Hello Thank you for all the information. After time is up, turn oven off and allow soap to remain in ambient heat until cooled. Source for that info: Kevin Dunn via :), Hi Jan (That can happen if the scale is off, or if you use a measuring cup instead of using a scale for the lye and oils.) 30% RSPO Palm Oil. Or perhaps the oils were the same, but the fragrance was different? The amount of essential oil in that soap (7 g which is abt 2 tsp) is the equivalent of a bit over a 1% essential oil dilution rate. You can use instant coffee powder or use brewed cold coffee instead of water to add the lye to. The amount of water needed depends on how concentrated you want the liquid soap to be. I have been scouring the internet and it is difficult to find something that seems comparable and I dont know how to fix it. Pl suggest what to do ? Sometimes this happens because of false trace where the soap looks like it reached trace, but if you wait a minute and check again, the trace is gone. Solution: Use patience with these types of recipes. Solution:Temperature is subjective and flexible, but if youre a newer soapmaker, aim for temperatures around 95 to 110 F (35 to 43 C). I have received permission to post the article since it was taken off the USA Today site. Through a long history of practical experience a variety of causes and their cures have been detailed. Was heavy blending the cause of it? If you want to add extra oils, you can definitely do so, but youd want to include them in the list when creating a recipe with a lye calculator to make sure you have enough lye. :). Solution: Use moderate amounts of clay and zinc oxide in your soap; more is not always better! Can you write us at and send along a picture or two, and also what recipe you used? Q: 1. When using sodium lactate, add around 1 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oils in a recipe, stirred into the cooled lye solution. Hi Shilpaa, Im so sorry to hear about your soap! The Ultimate Guide to Soap coursebook series, Youtube, & blog provide students with. Those are a few ideas to start with to help us troubleshoot better! Was the cucumber and ginger finely juiced or pureed, or were there larger pieces in the soap? Echa un vistazo a nuestra seleccin de cold process cp soap para ver las mejores piezas hechas a mano, nicas o personalizadas de nuestras tiendas. Best avoided during pregnancy. ASIS KUMAR ADHIKARI CEO/ Advisor - Bussiness Operation; Head/VP- Operation Excellence/ Strategic Planning / New Project Set-up, Sales & Marketing, Profit Center Head in FMCG - Cosmetic, Ayurveda & Food Industry (Non-frozen & Frozen) Profile Summary: Sr. Professional in Bussiness Operation (Operation, Strategy, Sales & Marketing) A competent, result-oriented, innovative personal with a dynamic . Hi Carol, Im so sorry to hear it did that! Solution: Buy a fresh bottle of lye from a reputable vendor. Sorry to hear that happened! Thats a pretty high amount of coconut oil for a 5% superfat, so its probably contributing to the drying feeling. Ive been making soap for my self and friends but find it slightly drying. Reason: Check the bottle of lye you used. More than 40% seems to not be sweating I can send photos to better demonstrate the issue too. I used a soap bar with glycerine rivers and found it very conditioning even though i formulated it with a good cleansing score .Do glycerine rivers increase conditioning of soap? Find out the most common soap making mistakes, and let's troubleshoot! Allow for a longer cure time: The longer your soap cures, the better the lather will be. The empty jug I weighed everything in was showing weight of 2.9 0z so I did add that too all weights while measuring. :). The list below highlights the major causes of cold process soapmaking problems, and . Another quick and easy way to unmold your loaf is to pop it in the freezer for 15 minute spurts to allow for easier removal from the mold. thank you, Hi Elyang! Hoping someone can help. They may take a little longer to reach trace, unmold, and cure, but the final soaps are usually very gentle and mild. In this case, use individual molds, cooler soaping temperatures, and place in the fridge or freezer for 24 hours after pouring. With the melt and pour method, you aren't making soap completely from scratch with oils, liquid, and lye. Soap has hard and soft places when you slice into bars. Blends nicely with bergamot, citrus oils, clary sage, spice oils, neroli, rose, sandalwood, palmarosa, patchouli, petitgrain and ylang ylang. So happy to hear you like the book! my soap has palmolein n olive oil pomace I think I might have had oils hardening before completely dissolving Reason: Check the bottle of lye you used. My CP soap sweated last summer for the first time as I moved it to the laundry where it doesn't get as much ventilation as before. Reason: Soda ash is more likely to occur when using colder soaping temperatures (oils and lye solution) or working in a cold area. Do I need to rebatch my soap ? You will get it! Reason: Tap water contains impurities that can react negatively in the soapmaking process, increasing risk for soda ash and DOS (dreaded orange spots indicating early rancidity). Original recipe is just like you put it. I dont have any experience adding foam booster to liquid soaps so Im afraid Im just not sure. Stirring during the mixing process. I love your website and have learned so much! Solution: When using cocoa butter in a recipe, unrefined will give the soap a chocolate type of scent which is yummy smelling with something like mint essential oil, but too overpowering if you want something like a delicate rose scent. Was it an older or expired bottle? Hi Sandi! Reason: These molds behave similarly to silicone molds, but are even worse at holding onto cold process soap. Solution: Be sure to research fragrance oils before use and purchase from a reputable vendor who thoroughly tests their oils in soap. Solution: Make sure the recipe youre using (including ones from this site) has the correct amount of lye calculated by running it through a lye calculator. Today's cold process soap makers have resolved many troubling issues involved with the process of making soaps. Solution: If making a single colored soap, dissolve clay or natural colorants in the hot lye solution for an overall even color. Or, you can try adding the FO or EO to the warmed oils before adding the lye solution and stir by hand. If it hasnt improved after a year though, then at that stage I think its a loss. To use salt, add 1/2 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oil in a soap recipe. With cold process soap the water evaporates out during a process called cure. Im a beginner in soap making. Sometimes those get mixed up when you order them, and potassium hydroxide would make your soap stay soft. Then, you can add in more color and scent when its an even consistency, similar to making hot process. Hi, Solution: Temperature is subjective and flexible, but if youre a newer soapmaker, aim for temperatures around 95 to 110 F (35 to 43 C). Reduce the amount of water in the recipe by 7-10% and the soap will cure faster. Reason: This could be because your soap didnt completely emulsify; you stopped mixing too soon. Can I follow one of your recipes, and add additional fats willy-nilly (a little bit of this and a little bit of that)? In 14+ years of soaping, Ive never had a soap volcano and when I tried to force one for a photo for my print book, Simple & Natural Soapmaking, I still ended up having to fake the look. Ive made my soaps recently, but one of my soap still a bit soft, it feels hard and soft in the mean time. Reason: A few oils/fats tend to impart their odor into the final soap. Reason: Sometimes your container might have a small amount of residue left on it from your last batch or a previous use. Im not sure since this is outside my scope of current knowledge we need a chemist to chime in and help us out. Add to the lye solution once it has cooled. I used brambleberry lye calculator with super fattening level of 5%. Thanks. Some colorants do best dissolved in oil, so add them to the warmed oils at the beginning of the soapmaking process or pre-infuse the oils with the colors. Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) @ 5% Superfat. Hi Jan, thanks for another great post. Thats a great question! Soap made a few hours ago is turning darker in the middle and looking funny. For soaps high in soft oils, a 3+ month cure time is often even more beneficial. If you find yourself in this situation, put the soap in the fridge for about two hours to freeze solid. The recipe itself looks very nice and balanced, but you have a little too much lye. 381g avocado oil Can you verify that this was your original recipe, before you added the extra weights? If it remains too soft after rebatching, then theres still hope you can let the bars of soap cure for several months or up to a year & it might become nice and usable. 50g star anise :). Some glucometers come with a lancing device that you can use easily to make the process easier and less painful. Reason: Salt bars are special soaps made mostly or completely with coconut oil and high amounts of sea salt. Read reviews before purchasing a fragrance oil to see if its known to do so, especially if its a floral or spice scent. Use moderate amounts to prevent a chalky look. If your liquid soap recipe is made from scratch, then you might want to consider adjusting the recipe to include more coconut or castor oil, or try lather boosting additives like aloe liquid (in the lye solution, not for dilution) or sugar. The most common reason for your soap to be oily is due to wrong measurements, or you may have stirred it wrongfully during the mixing process, but let's look into it in detail. Holy shmolie! To do so, preheat your oven to the very lowest temperature. Cut into bars as soon as it firms up this will happen within just a few hours from time of pouring. Make sure to keep fresh batteries in your scale. I dont know that you need to dissolve the lye in ice water though, since you are then heating the soap in the oven. Solution: Try reducing the amount of coconut oil down to 17 to 22% of the oils in the recipe. If you can give me more details about your recipe and how theyre looking/smelling now, that might help us pinpoint the problem further! what am i doing for prevent crack during use? Sodium hydroxide 4.79 +2.9 = 7.69 Solution: Use individual silicone molds instead of a loaf mold for ease of unmolding. I make cold process shea butter soap using refined palm oil, but it used to do it before I began using palm oil. This is most evident when you see hard clumpy lye. Allowing the soap to sit a couple extra days will ensure that process is complete and the results are accurate. Soap has uneven colored streaks or spots in it. Its possible that there was too much lye. Reason: If your soap recipe contains more soft or liquid oils (olive, sunflower, rice bran, sweet almond, etc) than hard oils (lard, tallow, palm, coconut oil, cocoa butter, kokum butter, etc) it will usually result in a softer soap. This hardens much faster than palm oil bar soaps and . Soap batter has little hard rice-like pieces in it. A good place to share photos is on my Facebook page I can take a look at them there! Thank you so much for this helpful treasure found! some of my soap sweat slightly brown beads. A must read for all soap makers! Store it tightly sealed in the original plastic container. at that time i did not know that it could no longer be used. Peek at your soap every now and then. Its very exciting, since I love chemistry and making. Reason: The lye didnt completely dissolve and is now in crystalline form throughout the soap. How is it looking now? If youd like, I am going th NS this summer, and can send you a bar of it. Have you tried grating it instead of cutting? Store it tightly sealed in the original plastic container. Solution: Use a well draining soap dish and keep the bars as dry as possible between use. :) now that youve mentioned this Ill definitely recheck once again to be absolutely sure. Step 5: Touch the test strip to the drop of blood or use the glucometer's lancing device to apply the blood to the test strip. Yes, you could use 1/2 lavender and 1/2 lemongrass. They are stored in a dry place with ventilation. Pls can I add more foam booster to my liquid soap after making the liquid soap, cos I realized dat after making the liquid soap, it didnt foam to my taste, so please I need ur advice, if adding foam booster will have any negative effect on the soap,or should I go ahead.. Tnks waiting 4 ur response, Hi Asiosa! For the recipes that arent high in coconut oil, are they higher in soft oils (such as olive) instead? Ill try again and share results and pics with you. 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